
It's been a long time since I've seriously blogged in awhile, but it is kind of something that I've wanted to get back into for awhile now to put down some of my musings, annoyances, and share some of the cool things I find on the internet.

I've found that now that work consumes a large portion of my day, I don't have nearly as much time or energy to devote to hacking around with website design and technical issues. My old Wordpress blog that was at began showing its age, and that's even after I spent a weekend a year or two back to install an off-the-shelf free theme to give it a facelift. Wordpress seems to be both overkill and insufficient for my website needs: it has too many features that I will never need, and it isn't easy to have a stylish photography portfolio incorporated into it without putting in a lot of time and effort.

So I've decided to reboot and start fresh. I grabbed all the content from the old and put that here for archival purposes, and the shared blog that my wife and I sparingly update as well. This website will be the home for both that blog and this new one.

Given how busy I am on a normal basis, I don't plan on being as frequent a poster as I used to with my old blog at its peak. However, I hope to give this a little bit of attention and post some thoughts on the tech industry that I pay so close attention to. One problem I have these days is I spend too much time consuming content and don't spend enough time stepping back and synthesizing that information into a proper opinion. At the very least, I can try and provide some entertainment for future me to look back on.