Improvements Keep Coming

Hahaha. Instead of actually coming up with some more content, I decided to improve the "read more" links that I had on my site. Thanks to these scripts I was able to make the posts an automatic shrink/expand functionality possible. I really like it this way. Now I don't have to write my posts in a way that will split into two parts. This script will automatically make sure that each entry is the same length unless you want to expand the post to read the rest of it! This removes the problem I was having before where if I wanted a short post with no expansion, I didn't have a "Read more" link with nothing more to read there! (how disappointing if you wanted to read more!).

There's some ideas for actual content posts swimming in my head. I just need to find time to make them a reality. Sorry for the lack of updates ... I have been extremely busy with the hex project and getting ready for Italy. That plus everything else that's going on in my life is making this a crazy busy time which leaves little time for interesting blogging (not that this blog has every consistently had interesting content ... but I digress).

Hope everyone is doing well! I promise there *will* be more content coming, plus when I get a chance I'll continue working towards that photoblog I was talking about!
