Style Modifications

Well I kept meaning to come back to this blog to fix up the template so that it did everything I've wanted it to. It's now a whole lot farther along that path, though I have more things that I want to do with it. I've added a "recent comments" addition on the left side. I'm hoping that the presence of people's comments will encourage people to make comments on my blog. So ... please do!As well, I've expanded my "recent photo" to show the last 6 photos I've posted to Flickr. Please take a look at my photos and comment on them as well - I would like to hear suggestions on how to improve my photos, and I can get an idea of what people like!

I plan on making more changes to the blog styles in the future, but for now I've got to head out. If you see my blog in a half-broken state it's probably because I'm playing with the template again. My apologies, but I think it'll be for the better!


Welcome to my new Home!

Hello! This site still needs some work, but I couldn't delay this any longer. Welcome to my new blog! I know it doesn't look a whole lot different, but it sure feels like it to me! This is wordpress based (I'll soon get a button that says so, please bear with me) rather than blogger which is slowly aging. Plus, because it's on my own server I have a little more control of what I can do with the site.

Besides this update, I've been doing a bunch of work on my thesis as well as checking out the local summer attractions including the Fringe! If you're in Edmonton and haven't checked out the Fringe, you totally should!

Anyways, enjoy the new site. If you see any problems, please let me know!


Photoblog Launched!

I was talking about doing this for awhile, but finally got around to cleaning up the template and putting up my brand new Photoblog!. In the next few weeks I'll be uploading several pictures that I took with my trusty old Canon Powershot A10. These photos will act as a kind of ramp-up to the photos taken with my new Digital Rebel XT (including select shots from Italy). Excited? Well I am!


Improvements Keep Coming

Hahaha. Instead of actually coming up with some more content, I decided to improve the "read more" links that I had on my site. Thanks to these scripts I was able to make the posts an automatic shrink/expand functionality possible. I really like it this way. Now I don't have to write my posts in a way that will split into two parts. This script will automatically make sure that each entry is the same length unless you want to expand the post to read the rest of it! This removes the problem I was having before where if I wanted a short post with no expansion, I didn't have a "Read more" link with nothing more to read there! (how disappointing if you wanted to read more!).

There's some ideas for actual content posts swimming in my head. I just need to find time to make them a reality. Sorry for the lack of updates ... I have been extremely busy with the hex project and getting ready for Italy. That plus everything else that's going on in my life is making this a crazy busy time which leaves little time for interesting blogging (not that this blog has every consistently had interesting content ... but I digress).

Hope everyone is doing well! I promise there *will* be more content coming, plus when I get a chance I'll continue working towards that photoblog I was talking about!


Modifications and Updates

I can't quite seem to get enough of tweaking my blogger template. I've added the ability to have short summaries for a post followed by a "read more" link. This will let me split up some posts that are too long for the mainpage so you can read them if you are interested in them. I also changed some of my statistics tracking so it'll be easier for me to interpret what my statistics mean. For those interested, read on for what the issue was! I'm using a great little statistics tracking utility called Performancing Metrics. All you have to do is register with them and insert a small piece of javascript code on your blog and it'll quickly track your site.

The default javascript code sets a variable called z_post_title and then calls pmetrics' script with that variable. In this way, it can track how many times people visit each webpage, and because it is their script, they can record some simple stats like what browser my visitors are using and what their screen resolution is. This, by the way, is something everyone can do ... so don't think that I'm doing something that kills your privacy on the internet!

The trouble I was having is two-fold. First, it was hard to tell whether the visitor was either reading my blog on the mainpage or was somehow getting to the individual posts to read. Most of the time, I'm sure, they would be hitting the mainpage, but I wasn't sure how to tell. It would be nice to see if there were any really popular individual post pages for instance.

I solved this pretty easily because blogger allows use of a couple of tags that differentiate whether the page is an individual post page or a main/archive page. These tags look like this: <MainPage>, <ArchivePage> <MainOrArchivePage> and <ItemPage>. So I set z_post_title like so:

<MainPage>z_post_title="[Homepage]<$BlogItemTitle$>";</MainPage> <ArchivePage>z_post_title="<$BlogPageTitle$>";</ArchivePage> <ItemPage>z_post_title="<$BlogItemTitle$>";</ItemPage>

Now when people see my main page, I can tell because the page title will be preceded by [Homepage]. Otherwise, I'll know that its either an archive page (it'll look like March 2006 if that's the page they were looking at) or an item page because it'll just be the title of the post.

The other problem I had was I was getting some odd statistics. In particular, I was getting lots of hits to items that I had posted weeks ago. It turns out that because I was setting z_post_title for every post on the mainpage, it was overriding the variable every time until the last post on the main page! So, the stats weren't making too much sense since I kinda wanted to have an idea how many people were seeing the *first* post on my page.

I fixed that by doing this:

<script> z_post_title=''; </script>

<Blogger> <script> <MainPage>if(z_post_title=='') {z_post_title="[Homepage]<$BlogItemTitle$>}";</MainPage> <ArchivePage>z_post_title="<$BlogPageTitle$>";</ArchivePage> <ItemPage>z_post_title="<$BlogItemTitle$>";</ItemPage> </script> </Blogger> <script id="stats_script" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

That's a complete code snippet of what is needed to do the performancing tracking. My thanks to Chris Garret at pmetrics for suggesting the idea. Basically, I initialize the z_post_title to an empty string. Then, if the z_post_title is not set yet, then I set it to the post title. Otherwise, I let it be. At the end of all the posts, z_post_title is still set to the first post of the page! It works as far as I can tell, but I will find out for sure once pmetrics catches up to my changes.

Feel free to use the idea if you have your own blog and want to use pmetrics in a similar way!


Adsense, Performancing, and Experimentation

So I'm trying some new things with my blog. I honestly have no idea how many people view my blog - its kind of just sitting here on the web with more posts than I thought I had actually written for it. So, I'm kind of curious what kind of traffic I'm getting (if any) and what people like looking at. Recently, a tool for weblogs called Performancing Metrics was released, and it kind of looks like it will do what I want it to. I now have a tool to tell me how much traffic I get to my blog and find out once and for all how many people don't feel like leaving comments on my posts ;^P.

The other addition is adsense banners. I figure that while I'm at it, I should try out the google ad banners thing. I don't expect to make money from them. Mostly, I'm just trying it out to see what its like (the whole system behind the ads for instance). Of course, I won't complain if you feel like clicking a link or two that interests you ... I will get paid for those clicks, so click away! If I really cared, I would get those ads into places of prominence like the top of the screen or above the links on the right side for instance. But I decided to hide them away so that people won't see them unless they actually scroll down to read my posts.

So umm ... yeah. That's the update for you. I'm kind of not too sure if I like the ads, and might decide to just take them down since I won't exactly get a lot of money out of them. But it's kind of cool to see some of the insides of the adsense program.


Blog Revamped!

Well I can finally say that I have my own custom blog template! I borrowed this template from Open Source Web Designs which is an awesome site for those who want to have professional looking websites without the web design ability. Frankly, I'm learning a lot just by playing with them. Anyways, I found this template which I liked a lot. It'll be the basis of my new web page hosted on the CS department servers. But since I liked it so much I figured I'd work it into my blog - and this is the result! I hope you like it!

If there are issues (there will likely be some) please let me know!


My New Blog

Hello and welcome to my new blog! I have had several blogs in the past, but all of them have been on my own server, and when something went wrong with the server I never really cared enough to save my previous blog entries. Now, I'm kind of annoyed that I lost all those entries, so that's the reason I've decided to start a blog that is hosted at blogger ... so now I have no excuse to delete it! :)

This blog will hopefully develop into a regularly updated, interesting read for those who share similar interests to me. I tend to peruse the internet for interesting stuff all the time, and the links that I think are shareable will be posted here. As well, I've gotten into playing poker on the internet, so I will likely share some stories or some poker knowledge I have learned as well!

So I hope you enjoy the posts here - feel free to leave me comments!
